Friday, September 7, 2012

Blog Post #1

When creating my blog, my greatest priority was making a blog that would look inviting, and appealing to anyone who looked at it. This meant not having fonts of colors that were too girly, or too dull, and having an "About Me" page that would discuss my interests, as well as my connection and experiences related to art.

I chose the title, "The Art of an Argument," mostly to relate to English 15S. Since we are learning so much variation and different methods of arguments, I thought it was appropriate to relate an argument to be a type of art. After reading parts of "Everything's an Argument," I have learned that it takes a strong thought process to have a credible argument, which is sort of like an art in itself. I thought this title pertained to the class, and was easy to remember.

I went about choosing my template simply based on look. I thought that the color could be appealing to girls or boys, and was very bright and vivid, but not over the top. I especially liked the texture of the template because it was a mixture of very pastel-like colors, but almost looked splatter painted. I also spent a great deal of my time deciding on fonts. I made the font for the title different, with a cursive-like look in order to give it a more formal feel. I made it a greenish-blue color to bring out the colors in the template as well. I chose a font for the tabs that is very fun and stands out well, because it is a pretty big focus for the blog. The last font I chose was the one that would be used for all of my blog posts. I chose a font that was easily legible, as well as appealing and not too formal, so people would want to keep reading.

Besides the simple design choices, I chose to add a photo of me that would display on the main page. I did this because I thought it was a good way to really make my blog personal, and I always like putting a name to the piece of writing when I read. I also added a search engine and an email section, in order to make my blog a little more user friendly.

When making my blog, I spent a long time designing because I really wanted a good balance between making it personal, as well as appealing to whoever my audience will be. I did not think that it was too difficult to achieve this, mostly because I enjoyed making it. I hope that through blogging, I will achieve a more creative tone to my writing, and an appeal to my readers. :)


  1. Love the font and the background! Very well done!

  2. Hi Megan,
    I like what you’ve done with the blog. I especially like your title explanation. The “art” of rhetoric is something that’s pretty neat, and hopefully this course will help expand it all the more. The color choices turned out nice too. Pretty picture and layout too. The text font can be iffy at times. I wonder if making it a point or two bigger would help? In all, a job well done. Best of luck with the course. :)

  3. Hey! I love how you've designed you're blog! Green is my favorite color, and I like how you thought to appeal to boys and girls. Your blog is simple and easy to navigate but not boring. The font is great too! Good job!
